The Squamidian Report – Dec. 14 / 24

Online Versions Of This And Past Issues
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Issue #1177


The Ontarion

Nova Scotia Sus



From Russ

Can't do without it!

It's been on the market for over 175 years and you can't do without it! Way back when I was a kid, and just beginning puberty, and capable of having BO, my parents recommended I use it as a deodorant - they both did. Also, at their advise, I used it in place of tooth powder. We always had pet cats who sometimes used their litter box - we used this stuff to clean, and deodorize their litter box. And, if the cat missed the litter box and messed on a carpet, you might find this product will help remove the stain! It also keeps garbage pails from stinking! In fact, you can use it to clean, and polish almost anything that can be washed around the house. Save children. But, adults often use it to soften their bath water - it leaves one's skin feeling soft and smooth.

To this day, I use it when I get that "full feeling" around bedtime - it prevents acid reflux.

If you haven't guessed by now what it is, I'll whisper the name; (Arm & Hammer Baking soda) Oh ya - some people actually use it when 'baking'!!



From Greg – The Ontarion

Hello everyone!

The snow has melted but tonight it’s snowing again by the squall, On again,off again!

That’s the way squalls happen! The coming weekend is supposed to be sunny but cold! Oh well, what do we expect here in the Great White North? Today was Carole’s birthday and at least the snow held off for the day! It would have been nice if the sun was shining but after all, it is December in Canada! My birthday has always been cold and snow covered as it is on January 11th! I guess my folks’s were not good at pre-planning! LOL! Most couples don’t plan that far ahead or at least they didn’t back in the 40s! That’s ok with me, as it gives me one bright day in mid-winter! It’s just too bad that many years have gone by so quickly! Can’t believe it’s been or going to be 76 years! Wow!

Oh well, who knew I’d live long enough to be living in the time of having a country to live in that is called a 51st state run by a governor, according to the Incoming US president! LOL!

What an idiot Trump is and he proves it more every time he opens his bigmouth!

How can that many people be so stupid as to support such a fool to run their country?

Oh well, let’s just be glad he’s an American loser! All we have to do now is avoid electing poillieve or whatever his name is! People are saying he’s Canada’s Trump! Sheesh, that’s all we need! He’d likely sell Canada to trump for a dollar! LOL!

Let’s hope someone better comes along by the time we elect a new PM,

That’s about all for this week folks!

Thanks until next week!

All the best……Greg!


From Nova Scotia Sus

Winter just kind of came and went. Today we have strong winds and rain with 12 degree temperatures. The snow is all gone we had accumulated over the past week. Up in these hills we call mountains we are first to get snow. When you drive towards town they haven't seen winter yet. So it's always a nice surprise to still see grass. This latest rain storm should have taken care of any snow remaining anywhere.

We managed to go out in our back field and cut down a spruce tree to decorate. Since our house is small we pick out a short tree that can stand on a table. That makes it out of the way and still a beautiful site. We will be going for Christmas morning to Dave's daughter Lily's house for breakfast and watch little Ember open her gifts. She will be over the roof with excitement.

Since the postal strike has ruled out sending Christmas cards we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.



From Doug

Greetings !!

The Devil made me do it. Can’t blame me, not my fault. I was tempted by the cold dry air and nice dry roads, the ‘no rain in sight’ sky and the occasional bit of sunshine. I gave in to temptation. I pulled the motorcycle out from its cosy corner and did another spectacular ride down the Sea to Sky highway to Horseshoe Bay (and back of course) on Wednesday. Bundled up like a little kid and away I went. So here I am, an old man in his mid 70’s, on a motorcycle in mid December scooting along the shores of Howe Sound in the coastal mountains of BC. You might think I would know better but no, I know better than to NOT take advantage of any riding opportunities. Each one could very well be the last for this season, or this year, or forever. There are no guaranties in this world and I for one would rather be ‘out there’ and be seen as some weird, wild old man doing what he does, rather than be letting opportunities slide by as I sit in my easy chair looking out the window at the world as it goes by.

And yes, the riding conditions were cold but really nice. The surrounding mountains are snow-covered, the waters of the Sound are blue grey, the air is fresh, and traffic was lite. The Royal Enfield purrs like a kitten as she motors along getting 90 to the gallon. I can hardly hear her run as I wear ear plugs to protect whats left of my hearing, not from the engine or exhaust noise but from the wind noise as the air rushes by my full-face helmet. That is where most of the noise is when riding. It does not matter if you have a cheap helmet or an expensive one, there is always a high frequency wind noise at highway speed. Some helmets are better than others but all of them produce the wind noise that is hard on the ears. My Harley makes a lot more engine and exhaust noise than the Enfield does but I can’t really hear it either at highway speed as that is drowned out by the wind. Thats how it is. But I digress, and I’ve lost my train of thought. I was talking about the ride. It was great. Once I got home from the Bay I tucked the Enfield back into her corner and she is now sitting patiently waiting for the next excursion. That could be anytime in the near future or if winter were to set in, it might not be for several weeks. One just never knows so one should always be ready for when those conditions are right again. And I, being a ‘one’ will be ready.

And now, some newsletter business….. Don’t know where everyone has been lately but its become rather quiet out there in Squamidian land. This week is the Dec 14 issue, that means next week is the 21st. That means it is the Christmas issue. So, if you are still ‘out there’, how about taking a few minutes and sending in a Christmas story or wish or greeting or SOMETHING. Share something with the group and by doing so you are not just sharing some of your Christmas, you are letting us know you are still there. Just a thought.




Have a Good One
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.
