The Squamidian Report – Oct. 7 / 23


issue 1115

Hi guys.  

As you have probably figured out, we are now in the KW area. We pulled into Sue’s sisters  place on Monday evening after a rather long day of driving. That last run from Northern Ontario on down is not much fun because from west of Sudbury all the way to where we tuned off the 400 onto #9 there is just highway. Very little to look at, very few inviting places to pull over to and way too much high speed traffic. And that’s a very long stretch. It probably equates similar to going from Dryden to Thunder Bay except that along there the scenery is somewhat interesting.

We had spent the night in a motel in Wawa. During that night the area was blasted by a wild and intense thunderstorm. We were up and ready to go by 7 but waited a little bit for the rain to let up and for the day to stop being so dark. Neither happened so we headed out. A big passenger bus pulled out just ahead of us which was a good thing because between the lingering darkness and the driving rain I couldn’t see much at all. I figured I’d tuck in behind the bus at a comfortable distance and sit there following him down the highway. I also figured that we’d have a better chance of not having a moose step out in front of us and none did so I guess that worked.

The storm let up and moved away as we approached the Sault. The bus headed into the city and we took the bypass. I actually like that section of #17 along there with it’s scuzzy little hick towns and northern scenery. Of course as we neared Sudbury we got onto the high speed freeway and from there on it was just ‘drive until we get there’.

One thing that has sure caught our attention is how cheap the gas is everywhere except in BC. Out there it’s the left wing politics and taxes that drive up the prices. And, the highest prices are in and around the GVA. The price gets lower the further you get from Vancouver. In the rest of the country the gas is cheaper in the big cities and more expensive in the out of the way places. The cheapest was obviously in Alberta at around $1.45. Even though Northern Ontario it never was higher than $1.69 or so. You guys sure have it nice. 

Something I’d almost forgotten about but quickly remembered after being in Ontario for only a few hours is the ragweed that grows so abundantly here. That stuff is one of the reasons I had to leave this area. I went for a walk on Tuesday morning and within minutes my nose was running and my eyes were running and my hands were shaking. I had the foresight to bring along some antihistamines and I’m sure glad I did.

I guess that’s it for this issue of the ‘on the road’ Squid. Did you notice I’ve figured out how to do some basic formatting? I also figured out how to do basic copy and pasting and that means I could probably put together a letter next week that contained contributions from others as long as they were kept fairly short and didn’t include any pictures. So if you are so inclined please send your story. If not, don’t bother.


Have a Good One
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.


Have a good one..
the doug
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.