The Squamidian Report – June 4 / 22
The Unpublished Additions

Online Versions Of This And Past Issues

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Issue #1045

Hey There,

Well now, it’s quite different sitting here typing out a short letter knowing that no one else but me will ever see or read it. But, it is necessary to take some time off from weekly publishing the newsletter. So, here we are, or should I say, here I am, no Friday evening deadlines, no having to come up with something to say each and every week. And that’s not just fine, it is a relief. I do intend to do up a small story most weeks just so I don’t forget how and as a bit of a record of what my summer was like etc.

Beaky is back. She’s the crow that comes around each summer looking for some handouts. Other years she has her mate and brood in tow but this year she seems to be alone, at least so far. She had gotten used to me and would let me come quite close as I put out a snack for her/them. She lets me close again and waits as I lay out here treat. She comes fairly early and looks in the window to get my attention. If I were to put her snack out before she got here, the Jays would take it so I can’t put anything out for her until she is here. One thing I want to avoid is making her dependent on us so I only give here something once per day. She comes back several times during the day and looks in the window in hopes of catching my attention but I ignore here after the first feeding.

One day she had been trying to get my attention and I ignored her, so, being rather smart, she flew around the house and landed on the front balcony railing where she again tried to look in and see me. I certainly knew she was there but ignored her, for her own good.

And, ‘The Wife’ had her first ride of the season on the Harley this week. Because of a combination of endless bad weather and endless babysitting in Maple Ridge, there had been no opportunities at all for her to come out on the bike with me. But, she came home on Tuesday for a few ‘days off’, and we geared up, picked up a sandwich at the sub shop, and rode down to Porteau Cove for a picnic. It was also one of the first nice and not cold days of the year.

Take Care


Have a good one..