The Squamidian Report – Oct. 30 / 21

Online Versions Of This And Past Issues
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Issue #1014

From Russ

The Ontarion

Hi All,

We got a phone call the other day. The caller didn’t ask for anyone by name but informed ‘me’ that there were some suspicious charges on my credit card, mainly that there was about $1600 worth of gift cards charged against said card. He then asked if these were my purchases and if they weren’t, please push 2 on my keypad. Now, heres the thing, the message up to this point was taped, it was not a real, live person. That is the first clue that that this call is a scam, a phishing call. Actually, thats the second clue. The first clue is that the caller did not ask for the person being called by name. Pushing the #2 button then took me to a live attendant who first asked how they could help (rather strange) and after I replied that ‘they’ called me and informed me that there were charges against my card, he then said he’d have to verify my account information. I should backtrack a bit to say I was onto them from the beginning and had no intent to give them any info, I was however curious as to what was going on. I would not give them my name or any account info and when I informed the attendant that I was on to them, he hung up.

Now, it this were a legitimate call, the caller would first address the callee by name and then introduce himself and his company and explain why he (or she) was calling. He would then ask the questions needed to verify that you are who he needed to call, but he would already have the necessary account info available. Then, he’s ask what your last ‘real’ card charges were and then discuss the bogus ones and have them reversed. Then, he’s freeze your card and issue you a new one. So, stay alert and vigilant, never ever ever give out personal or account information and be very distrustful of anyone calling and claiming to need your information. And, if any phone calls start with a taped message you can be sure it is a scam. Those taped messages are computer generated and spewed out, much like throwing a big net in hopes of catching something. If someone calls you and they actually have no idea who you are, just call them every vile name you can think of, have a good laugh, and hang up. Its that simple.

Remember how I’ve been complaining about the rain, the endless heavy rain thats been hammering coastal BC…. Well, with the exception of a very few rather rare breaks there is really no end in sight. And as to how much its been raining, we have a tub sitting outside beside the house that ‘The Wife’ uses to carry yard waist etc when she is working in the yard. She uses it to bring said waist out from the back and dump it into the tote for street side pickup. It has only been a couple of weeks since she used it last (that being the last none-rain day) and its been beside the house ever since. Its partly covered by the roof overhang so it actually doesn’t get the full blast of water as it falls from the sky. Yet, it is now full which means nothing until I tell you that its about 30 inches tall. Bottom line is, we’ve had over two and a half feet of rain in the last couple of weeks. Its been raining so hard and for so long that when it lets up enough that it is no longer hammering loudly on the roof, we run to the window to look out to see whats going on. Interestingly, even under dull grey skies and downpours, the local trees were able to show their fall colors. Our back yard is a soaked drab green and grey and at the same time is sporting the nice reds from the leaves of our Japanese Red Maple.

Way back a few weeks ago (in issue #1010) we had the audio version of that old Peter Paul & Mary song, ‘Day Is Done’. At the time I promised to have the video version ready for some time in the future. Well, its ready. Actually its been ready for a couple of weeks but this is the first opportunity to post it as there was other music ready to go ahead of it. So, here it is. Its the video bare-bones version so I certainly don’t sound like I’m backed up by a choir but I do sound like I’m just me and my guitar which is exactly what the videos are supposed to sound like. Give it a look and sing along if you want. Heck, put all that harmony in that is so desperately needed.

Day Is Done



From Russ

Spats, and all that stuff.

At first they were a 'necessity' as there were few paved roads and no sidewalks a hundred years ago. Then they became a 'rich-man's status symbol. Even women wore them. Soon, it became 'style' for men to button-on a pair of spats, even if they no longer needed them for keeping their shoes and socks clean when walking in mud, slush, and horse buns. I can still see my dad fastening on a pair before he went to church in winter. The first ones were made of leather, or rubber (no vinyl or plastics back then). For you 'kids' in the audience, having never seen, nor heard of spats, simply Google the word and you'll get the picture.

Quite a number of ordinary things have disappeared over the past few years, and I'm going to mention just a few of them - don't be alarmed, but if you are familiar with them, it "tells your age"!

Have you ever driven a car with the headlight "dimmer switch" located on the floor? How about the "starter button" on the floor as well?

Then, there was this blonde who bought a car from a mechanic, and it never seemed to run right. She brought it back to him several times with the same complaint. He could never find anything wrong with the car he'd sold her. In desperation, he asked her to start her car in his presence, and they'd go for a 'test ride'. She got into the driver's seat, pulled out the choke and promptly hung her purse on it!

Did you guys ever own one of those thermos bottles with a replaceable glass liner? Pushing the cork in an over-full bottle could break the glass, and you'd have to replace it. Simply knocking one over when filled with coffee/tea could break the delicate liner. When working at Carling's Brewery (back when I was an electrician) we were all given two pints of beer per day, as a good-will gesture by the company, to be consumed on company property. When I didn't want to drink two pints of beer before taking the trolley, I'd replace the thermos with two pints of beer, and was able to fit another four in the bottom compartment. It was heavy, illegal, and clever, as I could accumulate twenty-four by the week-end! (Smart-ass punk!)

As a young kid, forced to go with mom, shopping in a Kitchener department store, I was always fascinated by the "pulley system" used in Eton's to send up to the clerk in her booth to make change. Later, they came up with "air tubes" which were really fast and a little scary!

You never see anyone working with a 'corded' drill anymore. As a matter-of-fact, most tools are now 'cordless'. When I got my first electric drill I was so relieved - it meant I didn't have to use my "brace-and-bit" any longer. I mentioned to a young person the other day that I used to have to drill all my holes (in the electrical trade) using a brace & bit, he never had heard of one - or is it two? No, Rose Mary a brace & bit does not refer to a hard bowel movement (LOL)

I bet you never used a 'crank' phone, or were on a 'Party Line'. Your phone would ring, say 1 long, and 2 short, and if that wasn't your ring, you wouldn't/shouldn't pick up the receiver and listen-in' (but, almost everyone did, as that was the best way to learn all the latest going's-on/gossip!

Did you know "solar clothes-dryers" have become a 'thing-of-the-past’? Really.

Now, these will date you: Do you remember stove-heated irons for ironing shirts, etc.? How about stove-heated curling irons?

Did you ever make ice cream using a wooden, hand-cranked bucket? It made the best ice cream - but, you really had to work for it! Speaking of "cranks" - did you ever have to use one to start your old car? There was a technique - use it, or break your arm! And, to you men: have you ever used a 2 men saw? Try using one alone - you'll likely break your other arm!

I found this to be fun, so with your permission I'll continue along the same lines next week (the good Lord willing)

Uncle Russ.



Hello everyone!

Well, I guess you’re all hard at it getting ready for winter! We’ve been busy readying things for the upcoming winter as well. They say it’s going to be a very cold and snowy winter here in Ontario this year. I’ve gotten to work and closed the pond this past week as well as packing away all the outdoor patio items etc that don’t stay out all winter! Even though we’ve had some cold nights and very cool days the grass is still managing to grow with vigour! I’ve had to cut the lawn twice in the past week what with all the rain I guess it’s still going to grow for a few weeks yet before it’ll pack it in for the winter. Speaking of winter, I finally sold my trusty old Toro snow blower! Since Adam has moved in with us he has brought along quite a few of his tools including his Toro lawn mower and Toro snow blower so we had no need for two of each and being mine were the older of the set, I decided to sell them off and use his newer one of each! His blower is the same model as mine was but being a newer version, the Toro company has used a slightly smaller engine on their 24” model blower. That means that it has slightly less power when it comes to tossing the snow any distance. I find that my old one would reach the other side of the street in front of our house but Adam’s blower only makes it about ¾ of that distance. Oh well, at least his isn’t rusty on the housing like mine was after 12 or more years of heavy use!

My trusty old Toro blower didn’t really owe me anything after all those years. So, I was happy to get a few dollars for it after all those years! I sold my old lawn mower back a few years ago and it also didn’t owe me anything after about 15 years of mowing as well! Things are pretty easy to dispose of around here! All I have to do is put them on the boulevard with a sign on them for sale and within a few days someone comes along and has a need for them and forks over the cash! This time Adam put my snow blower on Kijiji for me and only 6 minutes after posting it for sale, he got a text asking when the fellow could come look at it! The next morning the guy showed up and handed me the cash for the blower. All I had to do was start it and show him that it worked in forward and reverse and that the auger still spun as it should and it was off to a new home! I have had very good luck disposing of my slightly used items over the years. The only item that has taken some time is my old leaf blower! I’ve had it for almost thirty years and for some reason it won’t start any more so it’s up for sale! I’ve had it sitting out on the end of the driveway for sale a few weekends now but so far I’ve had no bites on it! Oh well, I’m sure someone will come along and want it before the fall leaf season is over! If not, it’ll get donated to a charitable organization through the salvation army or wherever!

With most of the winterization under my belt already, the only other thing I have to do is assist Adam with changing my tires and wheels to my winter set to get ready for the snow season! I’m hesitating to do so just because I don’t want to jinx the fair weather we might still be in for over the next month! LOL!

I guess there’s no holding that season back so I might as well go ahead and change the Jeep over to the snow tires while we still have the potential of enjoying a few more nice days of sunshine!

That’s it for this week folks! Thanks for tuning in and I hope you all enjoy handing out your goodies this weekend but I’m sure it won’t be a very busy Halloween this year! No need to put those razor blades in the apples this year, all you have to do instead is cough on all the folks that ring your doorbell, that’ll learn ‘em not to show up on your doorstep not wearing masks! LOL!

Thanks for tuning in and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next week in The Ontarion Report!

Bye for now … Greg

PS: Something To Think About>

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back this weekend!


Take Care And Be Safe
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.