The Squamidian Report – Feb. 23 / 19
Issue #874

From Russ
From Lorne
The Ontarion

Hi All,

Most weeks, when I sit down at the computer to compose my section of this letter, it comes fairly easily. At least once I get started. The topic clicks in and I somehow manage to come up with enough content to fill my column. But not every week. This weeks is one of those times when ideas are sparse and nothing seems to flow. No adventures, no unexpected happenings. The creative bucket is dry. Don’t know why but thats how it is. So, I’ll just touch on a few local issues and leave it at that. Besides, the other contributions are always interesting and this week in no exception. Which reminds me, where is everyone else these days? That ‘everyone’ who is supposed to be contributing once in a while…..

Moving on, local point of interest….. The west coast is enjoying the coldest February on record (records keeping only started in 1937 here so its rather relative) and there is no change in sight until at least mid March. It hasn’t been all that snowy but it sure has been cold. Even right out at the shoreline along the ocean its been breaking records. A month ago it looked and felt like spring. Even had to put up with early pollen. Then February happened and bang, winter, big time. By this time most years I’d be thinking about putting the bike back on the road. Not this year. I haven’t even bothered to peak under the bike’s cover and probably won’t be doing so for a while. A long, cold while. Bummer.

And then there’s this. It may have even made the news in other parts of the country for all I know. We had a case where an RCMP officer pulled over a suspicious vehicle that was speeding. The cop decided to have his police dog check the vehicle, said dog being trained to sniff out drugs. The dog did indeed detect drugs and was supposed to indicate that fact by sitting. However, when the dog went to sit it’s back end hit the guard rail at the side of the road and that startled the dog, said dog immediately stood back up. The cop had seen the attempted sit and took that as an indication that there was reasonable cause that the vehicle should be searched, which he did. He found 35,000 fentinal (not sure of the spelling) pills hidden in the car. Obviously he arrested the driver who then confessed to trafficking.

Then the lawyers got involved and convinced the judge that the dog had not executed a ‘proper drug indication sit’ and would you believe, the judge agreed and threw the case out. All charges dropped. Here we are dealing with epic drug problems on our streets and some brain dead judge deems that an interrupted ‘sit’ constitutes a bungled search by the cop. Needless to say, everyone is outraged. Well, everyone except the drug runner and his lawyer. One can certainly understand how cops end up frustrated by the very system they are trying to serve. Its not a job I could ever do.


From Russ

Poker, Grease, and a Goose

This is another story about a story.
The need to be accepted is very strong in most social animals. This true story will tell you to what lengths I went just to be accepted into the ‘Traveling Poker Club’.  Membership was free, but admission was restricted to; cigar-smoking, beer-drinking, seasoned cops, who would host a game. I qualified.
At this time, my family was living at 224 King Street, South, Waterloo. Ours was a big, old house with large rooms and we held large parties, so having a couple dozen cops in for a poker game and steak fry was no problem for even my ‘fussy’ wife. My boys were both in High School and would be out on dates, or something, and would not be home until late.
Here’s how generous I was; besides hosting, I would provide the beer; I would provide the T-bone steaks; I would provide the winner of the poker game with a live, large, white goose in a crate.....all FREE!
The goose was raised from childhood by my Brother, Lorne who also built the crate. (Did I ever pay you for that?)
The T-bone steaks were purchased from my favourite Uncle, Willard Poll. He sure knew his meat! The steaks were extra large, delicious, and fork-tender! Because Willard was a Mason, my favourite Uncle, and the steaks were for a “good cause” i.e. feeding cops, I was expecting to get a discount. No way! Twenty-four T-bone steaks was a big order, and cost me a fortune! (I never told my wife they cost us a week’s pay!)
The plan for the evening went like this; poker would continue until all the players were broke and a winner declared, followed by the presentation of the prize (which was a well-kept secret). The winner was John Hock, Traffic Officer. Nice guy. Now deceased.  Then I would start taking orders for their steaks, and how they’d like them prepared. They had only two choices; fried or broiled, but I could accommodate their wishes as to rare, medium, or well-done.
Suddenly everyone was hungry and demanding, they wanted to
“get at them steaks NOW!”
Picture this; twenty-four loud, hungry, unruly, over-weight, half stewed cops, crowded into the kitchen, ordering how they wanted their steaks done!
“Make mine rare. Just knock the horns off!”
“Mine well-done.....but not burnt!”
“Rare”. Somebody shouted.
“Medium rare!”
“Fried...NOT broiled!”
“That mine?”
Somebody call the cops...we got a near riot here!
I needed lots of help. Only one guy volunteered. You may recall reading in last week’s Squamidian where I talked about escorting a mental patient to The Ontario Hospital in London, and crazy Bob tried to have ME admitted, well the same Bob started right in to help me. I was grateful for his help. But THAT was a mistake! I was handling four fry pans on the top burners, Bob would look after the broiler.
The kitchen filled with smoke. My wife, who’d been hiding upstairs thought the kitchen was on fire.
“Shall I call the Fire Department?” she cried.
“No, we’ll just open the door and let the smoke clear” I shout.
“Where do you want me to dump the grease?” Crazy Bob shouts over the noise and confusion.
“Anyplace but down the sink” I cautioned.
“Too late” said Bob “but it’s hot grease....won’t cause any problems” says Bob as he dumps the grease-filled broiler pan down the sink.
“You should NEVER pour grease down the sink”, advised the plumber next morning.
Then, he made out his bill.
Plumbing is a well-paid Trade.
I have only two regrets; I played only one hand of poker that night, lost $20 and never played poker again; and paying the plumber for the actions of crazy Bob.
R.G.Brubacher, Constable #20 KPD
PS I’m now “in the loop”

From Lorne

Things keep happening.  This time a happening to my leased vehicle. Upon turning it back in at the end of the lease, a close examination will be  done to reveal any wear or damage. Well this one has had it's share. First off was the large falling tree limb denting a door. Then all the insulation under the hood eaten by rodents. The most recent during this ice winter, a head on collision. Fortunately no one was injured except my wallet which may have something to do with future inheritances. In fact no one was in my car and it was standing innocently still in my driveway. I was on my tractor, blowing ice and snow when the crash occurred into the front end. The brakes were not stopping me on that slippery surface, we collided at about 1/2 mile per hour. Still enough to necessitate replacing the plate holder and left a small dent as well. Considering it a personal thing and on private property,  police were not called.




Tonight I sit here totally ashamed of myself for what just happened in our kitchen. I have been restricted to a very tight diet for the past year and four months and know in my mind that if I don’t stick to it religiously I stand a good chance of losing not only my health but my life itself! Before coming up to write my Ontarion I told Carole that I was going to pour myself a tea and head up to the office to write my column. I went into the kitchen and poured myself that tea but very quietly decided to make myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Which I knew was totally off my diet and over my allowed amount of food for the daily schedule that I’m supposed to stick to! I made the sandwich and put my tea into the microwave to reheat it. When I heard Carole coming out of the family room and heading toward the kitchen I placed the sandwich behind the teapot on the counter so she wouldn’t catch me at my mischievous deed. Of course I had a sheepish look on my face and Carole had no doubt I’d made something to eat that I should not have and confronted me with my foolish deed. She pointed out that I was only killing myself if I was to go through with my sneaky act. I not only let myself down but indeed I did what amounted to mistrust to Carole by sneaking food that I am not allowed to have!

I admitted to making and hiding the sandwich on her like a foolish young child and felt very much ashamed of what I’d done and been caught at. She in no uncertain terms shamed me for my cheating act and I’ve never felt so foolish as I did at that moment. I want to take this opportunity to whole-heartedly apologize to her for being so foolish and ask that she forgive me! She’s right indeed to point out that I was not only hurting myself but hurting her as well by not being truthful with her about my dishonest deed! I promise that I will not repeat such an act again as I feel like a child that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I not only am hurting from what I’ve done but I also hate myself for breaking her trust in such a foolish manner! Please forgive me Carole and I hope you will believe me when I say this is the last time you’ll have to worry about my committing such a distrustful act. I’m sorry for breaking your trust and will not repeat it again!

My admission of this shameful act is all I have to say for this week’s Ontarion.
I’ll talk to you all again next week in the Ontarion.

Bye for now … Greg
PS: Something To Think About>
I’m totally ashamed of myself and will have this on my mind for a long time to come!

Have a good one..
the doug
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The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.