The Squamidian Report – July 30 / 16
Issue #740

The Ontarion

Hi All,

I had to replace the horn on my Harley this week. I discovered the old horn had stopped working a week ago when a car ran a stop sign and pretty well cut me off. I laid on the horn but nothing happened. Not that car drivers are likely to pay much attention to a ticked off rider. Anyway, I had checked the fuses etc and all was well so that meant it was the horn itself. Once I thought about it, I remembered trying to blow the horn a while ago and it made a funny sound, almost like it was being strangled. I guess that was when it was failing. So, I went on line to find a replacement. Lots of choices out there but I really just wanted the equivalent of the OEM unit, which I found I could get through several sources without having to go through Harley which would cost a fortune. Interestingly, the OEM horn on the US sites would cost about $16 plus shipping, custom duties and who knows what else that someone ordering it while IN the US wouldn't have to pay. The same horn on a Canadian site is $36 plus $7 for Canada Post to deliver it. I ordered the horn from the Canadian site and it was here in about 4 or 5 days which surprised me because our mail usually takes weeks to get here. The horn unit is just a little electrical thing that sits behind the fancy chrome cover that anyone looking at the bike sees. It took a whole 20 minutes to replace it. The very next time out on the bike I used it to honk at a motorist that pulled out of an intersection in front of me causing me to have to brake hard. What is it with drivers who are in such a hurry or so self important that they can't wait for a few vehicles to go by. But thats another topic.

We rode up to Whistler on Friday morning for brunch at the Wildwood. That is a very nice motorcycle ride no matter how you look at it. It was hot out, I hate hot but with our mesh jackets we were quite comfortable. The bike sure likes to get out for a little toot. She just purrs along. Now, as you know, Friday was the day before this long weekend and out in these parts the day before a long weekend tends to be just as busy on the highways as the actual long weekend days themselves. And, living in a tourist corridor, we get the full effect of long weekend traffic. Traffic was lite on the way up but by the time we were headed back down (south bound), the north bound lanes were getting pretty busy. As we headed out of Whistler, it was backed up for about a kilometer from the lights at Function  Junction. Our ride down was delightful because everyone was going the other way but you still needed to keep an eye on that on coming traffic, always watching for some stupid moron wandering over the center line or trying to pass against a double yellow center line. Generally, we stay off the roads during the long weekends because it ain't safe and it ain't any fun being stuck in stopped and go traffic. To add to it, this is the Logger's Day Sports weekend here in town to not just the highway, but Squamish itself will be busy.

My blueberries are in full swing. Have been since about the last week of June but the lack of sunshine during the first couple of weeks of July kept them from sweetening up. I've been picking a bowl full pretty well ever day but I can't eat them that fast. Blueberries on my breakfast cereal, blueberries and ice cream and so on but I can't keep up so I've been freezing them. Frozen berries don't taste near as nice as fresh ones but they do tend to keep longer. So, perhaps blueberry pancakes or pie during the winter, that would be good.




Hello Everyone!
What a lovely summer we are having here in Ontario! I can’t wait to see how long this great weather lasts. I hope it hangs in until late November! I remember long hot summers like this when I was a kid and also during my teen years but it seemed that they disappeared once I was in my 30’s, 40’s and later years. I guess I was just too busy with other stuff to notice the weather! Now that we are a little older and less busy the days of summer seem to be drier and sunnier once again and it’s harder to take such searing sun and blistering hot days than in the past 4 decades! LOL! Guess the resistance is getting weaker as the years pass by! Oh well, I still love the hot weather and will try my best to handle whatever comes our way. There’s always sunscreen which by the way, I should have learned the value of many years ago and I wouldn’t be visiting the Dr several times a year to have cancer spots burned off my hairless head with liquid nitrogen! OUCH!
Guess some lessons are learned a tad too late but as long as the Dr can keep them from turning into anything worse than a few spots, I’ll visit him as often as need be to stay healthy! Guess our mothers were unaware of the dangers of the sun back in the 50’s and 60’s when we were kids on the beach. Dad had the right idea, keep the tee shirt on and don’t forget to wear a fedora during family outings to the beach. We spent many a summer day on the shore of lake Erie at Long Point Beach and even more on the shores of lake Huron in the South Hampton area for our vacations.

We used to rent a cottage every summer in one beach or the other and the best remedy mothers of the day had for bad sunburns was a big white glob of NOXEMA slathered all over our burns after it was too late to prevent them! Of course all the NOXEMA did was cool the blisters that formed on our shoulders and backs once the NOXEMA was spread! YIKES! I can still feel the heat from the burns just by thinking about those days. I would like to think that mothers have learned over the years to take steps to protect their children from the terrors of the sun but when we are out and about Carole and I still see babies being walked by their mothers exposed to the blazing sun of modern times. I know that a child should be a certain age before being slathered with sunscreen but there are such things as umbrellas for strollers as well as protective clothing for the skin of young children. Mothers should know better than to expose their delicate babies to the heat and burning rays of today’s bright sunshine! Lord knows there is no end to the information available these days on the Internet as well as the warnings expounded by every physician on the planet about exposure to the sun. So these mothers have no excuse for not knowing to protect their kids as well as they do themselves!

What the heck, people are even using sunscreen products on their pets these days and most of THEM are covered with hair as a natural protective layer. Time to wise up you MOTHERS!

I still see a lot of bald guys that don’t wear sunscreen or hats to protect their heads from the sun as well and they too need to wise up. I guess they think that once they have a good tan on their bean they won’t burn any further, WRONG! Oh well, I guess some guys just don’t like to wear hats. Either that or they are too vane to cover their heads with what they deem to be silly looking pieces of clothing. I guess some guys just don’t look good in hats but what’s worse, looking a tad unfashionable or chemo treatments when it’s usually too damned late?
I think I’ll take the hat!

That’s it for this week folks!
Thanks for tuning in and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next week in The Ontarion Report!

Bye for now… Greg

Something To Think About>
“Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you!”

Have a good one..
the doug
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.