Squamidian Report – Sept. 15 / 12
Issue #538
The Ontarion
Hi All,
Well, we’ve had our first early signs of winter. Many parts of central BC had a dusting of snow this past week, as did the alpine areas around Whistler, and the top thousand feet or so of Mt Garibaldi. None of the fresh snow lasted very long but the fact that it turned up at all sort of indicates how close that kind of weather is. Aside for a day and night of some very much needed rain (that was the snow in the high country) we continue to have nice sunny days and cold clear nights. Those nights are not cool, they are down right cold. Good thing I didn’t put my cold weather riding gear away this year because its been getting regular use.
Last Saturday evening ‘The Wife’ and I rode up to Whistler on the bike. Ryan had been working there all week as the last of the summer concerts were being held. He had ridden up that morning on his bike, one of the very few times he has had a chance to ride at all this year. The intention was for us to ride back down together after the concert was over and his equipment was put away. To pass the time we decided to go to the Whistler Dairy Queen, a place that has never impressed me with its customer service or its competency. They have people taking orders and your money, but they don’t give you a receipt or even a number. You just mill around waiting for the person who makes the stuff to call out the item they have just made. They are very slow and there is always a large number of people waiting for their order to be made. To complicate things, they don’t make things in the order that the orders came in, nor do they make everything in a given order at the same time. If you ordered a cone and a drink, you might get the cone and then have to wait another 10 minutes for the drink. If you ordered multiple items you are pretty well screwed. The wife knew better than to bring me in with her because she knew I’d go ballistic after a while so I found an outdoor table and got comfortable. 20 minutes passed and she still hadn’t come out. I could see her holding the sundae she had ordered for herself but there was no sign of the chocolate blizzard that I had wanted. She was surrounded by a dozen others who were waiting for some or all of their items.
At the table next to me was a family and one of the kids, a boy about 12, was eating some fancy Dairy Queen treat that he had just come out with. I could over-hear the mother telling the kid that she was embarrassed by his actions. That’s all she said or did, just tell him she was embarrassed. The kid had gone in and when the person behind the counter had called out the chocolate fudge brownie sundae item, he has simply stepped forward and taken it. It was not his, he told his mother that “why not, no one knew it wasn’t mine”. I was ready to shove the thing down his mouth and tell his mother that she had better be a lot more than ‘just embarrassed’ but I’d be the one who ended up in trouble so instead I went inside to see what was taking so long. Turned out that this DQ didn’t know how to make a chocolate blizzard. They can make all the flavors that they advertise but not a simple, ordinary, old fashion chocolate blizzard. So, instead of asking the customer if they wanted something else, they were just ignoring that part of the order. Had I not barked at the person making the orders, ‘The Wife’ would still be standing there waiting. I had to actually tell the guy what a chocolate blizzard is and how to make it. As it was, it still wasn’t right, it was more like chocolate syrup with a bit of ice-cream mixed in than ice-cream flavored by a bit of syrup. It was so strong I couldn’t even finish it. ‘The Wife’ would not permit me to let the employees of the Whistler DQ know what I thought of them and their lack of competence. We went back to where Ryan was manning his high-tech sound stuff and watched the end of the concert, then waited for him to pack up some of the equipment for pickup the next day.
We rode back down to Squamish, it was now quite late by my standards and very dark. Funny how our night vision is not near as sharp as it was when we were younger. In fact, I usually avoid driving or riding at night simply because I don’t enjoy it anymore due to the fact that I can’t see in the dark the way I used to. Anyway, we got home just fine although I was pretty pissed at a car that sat right behind us with his high beams blinding us. He would dim his lights when an on-coming car would approach, then go right back onto his bright lights once it was past. When he finally passed us, I left my high beam (most motorcycles only have one headlight) on. Gee, that bugged him and he kept tapping his brake light to signal me to dim my light. I didn’t, just to show him what he had been doing to us. After a while he simply sped up and disappeared into the distance. Good riddance, he reminded me of the drivers who are merging onto a highway and you move over to the left to let them in, but then they won’t let you back into the right hand lane. Makes no sense at all.
Hello everyone!
Where were you when the world stopped turning?
Just a reminder of the World Trade Centre disaster of September 11, 2001. I’m sure you all remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when the Trade Centre buildings were attacked in NYC! I know where Carole and I were and we’ll never forget that day! We were in Michigan in a small motel getting ready to take the fairy across from the mainland to Mackinac Island to tour the island and visit “The Grand Hotel”. I was brushing my teeth while Carole was watching the TV and suddenly said to me “Oh my God, an airplane just crashed into the World Trade Centre!” I stepped out of the washroom and watched for the next hour as the drama unfolded live on TV. We were torn as to whether or not we should continue with our holiday in the States or head strait for the border and home! We decided to fill the car with gas and then board the fairy leaving the car in the parking on the mainland. We were on the fairy with mostly American Citizens who were all talking about the attack and most of them were in tears while discussing the tragedy. We felt as if we had personally been attacked along with all of the Americans on the boat! It was a very traumatic situation just to be in the very country that was assaulted on the day. Of course there was nothing any of us could do but sympathize with each other and comfort each other during those first hours of September 11, 2001. We managed to gather our thoughts and continue our planned visit to Mackinac Island and The Grand Hotel.
Being this was the week of the anniversary of the Twin Towers Tragedy I didn’t want to write this column without paying tribute to the 3000 plus people who lost their lives on that September day in 2001. I’m sure God has watched over their souls and the family members they left behind. It’s just too bad that there are people in this world that value human life so little that they’re willing to murder in the name of their particular spiritual leader “Allah” under the belief that unless all others believe as they do, those others should be put to death! All I have to say to that is “What an ass backwards religion the Muslim faith is indeed!” To be arrogant enough to think that theirs is the only belief on earth that deserves to exist is utter nonsense and I find it hard to believe that there is one “kind, decent and loving Muslim” on the face of this earth if their leaders and masses condone such despicable beliefs and actions! I’ve heard a few representatives of the Muslim faith proclaim that “These actions are the work of a small radical faction of the Muslim faith and we are not all like that!” To that I say “Bullshit!” if that’s so, lets see you prove it by bringing to task those members of your Muslim beliefs that participate in the murder of non Muslims as well as members of their own families for merely speaking out of turn or simply “dishonoring” their parents or family name! Show the world that the Muslim faith is a loving and forgiving faith and do away with your Sharia Law and agree to live by the laws of the countries you have chosen to immigrate to! If you choose to stay in your countries of origin, I say you have the right to choose the rules you live or die by no matter how wrong and fiendish we in “the civilized world” know they are! Just don’t force your way of life on the rest of the world!
The Christian way of life is to forgive and love thy neighbour and since your Holy Book doesn’t teach anything like this, please stay away from our “Free World” and feel free to mistreat your brothers and sisters in any archaic manner you think serves your “Allah”!
The attack on North America on September 11, 2001 and the terrorist acts perpetrated by the members of the Muslims of the world since that date has turned the free world into one that distrusts all Muslims and I doubt members of the Muslim faith will ever be able to regain the trust of the free world again!
Of course I cannot speak for every member of the non-Muslim world but I happen to think that those among us that still think your way may have its merits and can be trusted to be civilized will eventually learn the hard way that September 11th, 2001 will be repeated over and over in the years to come!
Any religion that teaches that any other faith than theirs is wrong and must be destroyed via death, is not one based on a true and just deity but one based on an evil concept that is still living in the Stone Age!
That’s it for this week folks!
You may not agree with anything I’ve said in this weeks report but I’m just stating my opinion and don’t expect any or all of you to think the same!
Thank you all for at least reading my write up and at least, please say a prayer for the souls of the 9/11 victims and their families!
Thanks for tuning in and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next week in The Ontarion Report!
Bye for now… Greg
PS: Something To Think About>
There are more chickens than people in the world!
Have a good one..
the doug
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.