The Squamidian Report – Mar. 23 / 24

Online Versions Of This And Past Issues
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Issue #1139

Nova Scotia Sus


The Ontarion



From Nova Scotia Sus

March has been an interesting month weather wise. We've gone from heavy snow to rain to sun and hail stones. Today it's a combination of snow and rain. But what can you expect from March anyway. We are still into maple sap collection and have 3 gallons of finished syrup made. And it's still ongoing and doing another boil down today. We don't sell our syrup as we are not a proper business but give lots away to family and friends. Maybe in years to come it will become a business.

We have started many plants to go into the greenhouse soon. Our front room is where the plants get their start. It has large windows and many shelves to put the trays on. It's not heated only by the sun so at below freezing temps we bring in all the trays at night. We have been eating greens everyday.

I'm so sorry Russell for the loss of your good friend Theresa. It's so wonderful you had a long time friendship and good memories.



From Russ

The Interview XXXXX

The fallowing story contains nudity, coarse language, and reality and may not be suitable for all readers.

He is a 'lifetime friend' about my age, who has health issues similar to mine. I sat down with Mr. Peebody (not his real name) as we explored the not uncommon, health issue of incontinence. Study shows one out of three Seniors are cursed with leaky peepee and if the truth be known, you, the reader of this article may be one of them. Mr. P. agreed to the fallowing raw interview as a service to the readers of the Squamidian.

How long have you had this problem?

"A very long time - since 2010, the year my wife died. I sometimes think the stress of her dying brought it on"

How unusual - I know stress can do a body a great deal of harm - in my case, it brought on Type two diabetes.

"No shit?" What caused the stress in your life?"

Sorry, Mr. P. but this interview is about you, and if you don't mind I'll ask the questions.


OK, I'll come right out with it - do you have to wear a diaper?

"Yup - 24/7 - I go through at least 4 every 24 hours. Nighttime is the worst! We who suffer incontinence must wear 'all night protection' diapers or wake-up in a puddle! let me continue: Who wants to sleep in a puddle of piddel? Not me! So, I have to get up - strip the bed - remake with fresh sheets - and now, I can't get back to sleep!!"

You seem angry.

"Ya think?!!"

Let's try to keep our, how do you cope?

"It took years to learn how to 'beat this thing' - you got an hour?"

Go ahead.

"You know those 'pads' they put under you in hospital beds over night? Now I use them at home - saves remaking the bed half-way through the night - I just have to insert a fresh one. I own four of them.

Sounds like a plan. Please go on. What is it you want our readers to 'take home' from this interview?

" Here goes! The manufacturers of these 'so-called' Over-night protection diapers are guilty of false advertising! First, they don't last over night! I use those claiming maximum absorption, which begin leaking at about 4 hours into my sleep! The problem is - I'm asleep, unaware of the issue until it's too late! It pisses me off!!"

Mr. P. - let me remind you this is a 'family newsletter' and we don't approve of 'dirty words'.

"What's dirty about the word, 'piss'? It's another word for pee and everybody does it - in fact, pee is sterile when it leaves our urinary tract! And another thing; they use the word protection in many personal products for both women and men - What is a diaper protecting? It's no protection from 'diaper rash' as our private parts (like that better?) are wet with urine all the time one is wearing them! Hell - I change mine at least twice during the day in an attempt to avoid diaper rash - but I still get it from time to time! Bastard!

Mr. P.! Hold on! What did I warn you about earlier in this interview? Some readers will find your language most inappropriate!!

"What's wrong with the word 'bastard'? Everyone knows a bastard is the name given a male dog" (A male dog is called a "Bugger").

Mr. P. Our Editor, Douglas Brubacher will most likely refuse to send this entire interview to the readers of the Squamidian, or at least 'delete' offensive language. Do you have anything to say for yourself?

"You bet I do!! What really pisses me off is the cost of these essential products - I paid a total of $1260.00 in 2023 for incontinence products (and that's before TAX!) There should be no f-n tax on medical products one can not do without - such as menstrual products!"

I hear you Brother.

Interview by Russ.


The Ontarion

Hello everyone!

I’m getting more used to my kidney situation!

I’m looking forward to spring if it ever arrives that is!

We’ve got lots of things we’d like to do in the warm weather!

Adam is wanting to get his classic Mini Cooper on the road this summer so that’s one big project to complete for sure but there’s not much that I can help him with there!

I’m looking forward to getting the MGB out for the summer as well!

It should be nice to enjoy the drives in it this warm summer!

Carole and I are wanting to get out and find a new vehicle as well so that’s another project for us to complete as well!

We’ve been through a lot of vehicles in our 51 years of marriage and it’s time for another! I guess we’ll look for another SUV but a bit smaller one than the Jeep this time!

So many to choose from it’ll take a while for sure!

We should have something within the next month or so!

Lots of dealerships to visit to find the right vehicle!

I like shopping for a car but Carole isn’t as enthusiastic about that chore!

Oh well, it has to be done!

That’s a short and sweet Ontarion for this week but I’ll do better for next week I promise!

Take care everyone and I’ll talk to you all next week!

Bye for now… Greg.


From Me

How’s it going…..

Its kind of funny how so much of the country was having a taste of early summer in late winter and then reverted back to winter when spring came along. Its only ‘kind of funny’ because I for one am not laughing. I enjoyed tooting up and down the highway on the motorcycles without freezing my butt off. Now the bikes, and me, will have to wait until the next nice weather to come along. Such is life.

There isn’t really much else going on these days so I might as well fill you in on how my eyes are coming along. You may remember that I had cataract surgery on the right eye on Feb 1st, and on the left eye on Feb 22nd. Now, before I go any further, let me state that I and enjoying better vision now than I’ve had in years. The left eye did great right from the beginning. The right eye (the one that was so very uncomfortable as the surgeon dug in there with a dull spoon), will need some more attention. It is still a bit blurry and has almost no ability to see in low light or dark conditions. Turns out there are 2 issues in play. There is scar tissue, and the lens has clouded over. These are apparently not unusual and happen to many people. The solution is laser surgery, not invasive, is fast and ‘easy’. That will be done to my right eye at some point in the hopefully not to distant future.

It is very strange to be walking around, driving, and riding motorcycles without glasses. I’m still not used to it. I do wear polaroid sunglasses to protect my eyes, and even wear goggles when riding as I don’t want to do any damage to them. Once its all over and done I will need reading glasses for reading. Those glasses will include a ‘long distance correction’ for the right eye that the implanted lens could not fully deal with. This will resolve any night driving issues. That eye has always had a strange thing going on with it’s vision. And thats about it.


Here’s a funny thing for anyone still reading and who followed my adventures of getting my new computer up and running a month or so ago. As stated, I have my system set up so I can access my old computer through my new computer, using my monitor screen to view both systems at the same time. It works pretty cool. Now, in order to clean up my desk area I wanted to remove the old monitor, get rid of it, or at least get it out of the way. So, I disconnected it as it had not been actually turned on for several weeks. Then, the next time I accessed the old computer from the new computer, the screen view on my new monitor of the old one was changed. It was a very basic resolutions, the kind of thing you’d see if you booted into some protected recovery mode. It took me a while to figure out what was wrong, and then it hit me. Once the old monitor was disconnected from the old computer, that computer didn’t know how to display it’s info anymore. As long as the old monitor was connected and even though it was not turned on, the old computer could still access it enough to figure out what display resolution signal to send. I found that interesting.



Have a Good One
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.
