The Squamidian Report – Oct. 1 / 22

Online Versions Of This And Past Issues
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Issue #1062

From Russ

The Ontarion

Hey There,

First off, I’d like to thank everyone for ‘being involved’. Whether its submitting a story for this news letter or simply commenting on something you’ve read in it, it’s all good. The fact is, you have no idea how much it means to Greg and Russ and myself. It makes us want to do better, try harder and so on in our (and your) attempt to keep this thing interesting.


As some of you know, the kids have been in Hawaii this past week. That was made possible by the fact the Ryan was there for work and he was able to simply bring them along. When we were kids we were lucky to be ‘brought along’ as far as the other side of town. But, I digress. Where I’m going with this is that with them all gone for a week, we are stuck with their little tiny dog, (she looks like a cross between a rat and a squirrel), as we have been on other occasions as well. I must say, she likes it here. She has our nice big back yard to run like a crazy critter around in, chasing imaginary and some not so imaginary creatures. She likes to watch bears from the safety of the front balcony. She partakes in our regular walks where she meets all the same dogs that we meet. Her biggest issue with meeting the local dogs is that she only comes up to their ankles as most local dogs are ‘real dog size’. I actually fine myself explaining she is NOT our dog, and belongs to the granddaughters, and that if we had a dog, it would be a ‘real’ dog and be of ‘real’ dog size. It is kind of funny when she sneaks up behind a big dog and sneaks a sniff of its ankle as thats all she can reach.

She used to be quite yappy, a condition that seems to be inflicted on most tiny dog things but we have broken her of that. For the most part she is now comfortable with the local dogs and walks along happily in the pack of dogs being walked. Her only issue now seems to be that she is understandably afraid of being stepped on. I would be too if I only came up to every one else’s ankle. She has caught on to the fact that I carry dog treats for all the local dogs and now wants to partake in the receiving of said treats. It’s kind of funny seeing her golf ball size head right in there with the big guys, looking up and waiting to be treated.

As for the kids being in Hawaii, I’m hoping that one or more of them will submit a story of their adventures at some point because for most of us, that would be the trip of a lifetime.


Well now, we’ve got another morsel of musical entertainment for anyone who is into that kind of thing. You may remember that way back in last weeks issue I did a video version of the Bellamy Bros song, ‘No Country Music For Old Men’. Well, as promised, I’ve got the audio version ready for your listening pleasure. It’s that song that laments the loss of the old true country music and country singers. My audio version is obviously a little more polished and has lots of harmony and more instrumentation than I can do in a bare bones video so hopefully you may find some enjoyment in listening to it, and face it, thats why its here.

No Country Music For Old Men
(the audio version)



From Russ

From Point Clark

Just returned from an 'invigorating' bike-ride wearing winter garb - temp in cool single digits after our well-needed, two-day, soaking rain. All thanks be to God we were blest with 4 inches of rain according to the gauge Doug gave me a few years ago - an instrument that never needs winding, batteries, or a power cord - it operates strictly on water power, starts and stops automatically, and is consistently more accurate than the Weather Station Reports. Thanks, Doug - best gift you ever gave me (your Uncle) in my whole life! thinking I'll leave it to you in my 'Will'

The 'Point 'is now a 'ghost town' - never saw a dog-walker, a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick-maker. But, you know what? I kind of like it that way, for a change - after a long, hot, dry, summer, with our roads 'strewn' with visitors. (guess we can expect tourists in a 'Tourist Area', after all, we were all tourists at one time!

Although everyone is 'hunkering-down' in prep for a sudden appearance of Mr. Snow-man, I believe we still have some nice, mild Autumn days in October staring today. After all, October 24th, 1953 gave me 'treasures untold', 'cause that's the day I married a Queen!

Which brings me to the story, about a story that I'm now writing about. I vowed I'd never write another story - that "A Hill, a River, and a Family" was to be my final act of 'story-telling'. However, it seems this 'old coot' has NEEDS to keep on writing in order to keep from going 'senile'. Here's a little hint what it is all about:

The title (at the moment) is, DOORS, and CORRIDORS - sounds 'spooky', but it's not really that frightening - it's all about the 'choices' we make in our lifetime - the 'doors' we choose to open (or not), and the places the 'corridors' lead to. I may never finish it, but it may keep me out of 'poolrooms' and 'strip-clubs' until I'm older.

"When God closes a door he opens a window"




The Ontarion

Hello everyone!

I’m just sitting at the keyboard trying to imagine just how or why a young person can murder their own grandmother! It’s incredible to think of such a thing happening and yet, there was just such an event right here in Waterloo Region! It actually happened in the village of Baden in Wilmot Township! The grandson of a lady by the name of Viola Erb committed the offense! She was the co-owner of Erb Transport in Baden! She and her late husband co-founded the trucking company in 1959 and still owned and operated it until her passing last week! The CTV news just announced tonight on the 6:00pm report that the Waterloo Regional Police arrested and charged her grandson with second degree murder and he appeared in the Kitchener Court today to face the charges of killing his own grandmother!

How sad is that for a family to have to face no matter what the circumstances! We were totally in shock when we heard that report! When we first heard that the police were investigating her death as a homicide that alone was a shocker and we were just thinking it had to be a stranger that invaded her home and might have committed the crime! How wrong can we have been? What a crying shame indeed!

Well, on to less depressing thoughts! I might just have mowed the lawn for the last time of the season today! LOL! That might be the understatement of the year! Ha ha ha! I’m hoping that I’m wrong in making that comment! I’d prefer to keep on mowing the lawn over shoveling or blowing snow for sure! With that in mind, I should pull the blower out of the shed and change the oil and give it a good grease job before mother nature shocks us with the first snow fall of the season! Knowing what is happening down south and out east, I can only imagine what might show up here in our region sooner than we think! With climate change happening so very quickly there’s no doubt that we might just get hit with something we can’t control at any moment. The weather report says that we are in for a nice warm/sunny spell over these next 7 days but, can we trust the weather reports these days? I don’t happen to have much faith in their predictions lately so, it’s best to follow the boy scout’s motto and “Be Prepared”!


Speaking of the news lately, can you believe the number of multi member group fights that have been happening here in the Region? There were three large group fights that happened, one just up the street from our house last night and two others at different spots in Kitchener at the same time that the WRP had to break up within a couple of hours!

According to the NEWS they were not Gang related but just large numbers of youths taunting each other for whatever reasons that turned into street fights! Apparently nobody was injured during these fights but the situations could have turned quite injurious to those involved! Like I asked in one of my previous reports, “What is this world coming to?”

Lets hope things settle down and the NEWS soon has more happy items to report in the near and continuing future! It seems that the weather is the most urgent news lately and it’s not over yet! The hurricane that’s pummeling Florida at the moment is heading up the east coast and may soon be the second one to devastate Canada’s Maritime Provinces in a very short time period! Let’s hope it dies out before it makes it’s way out of the American southern states! All I can say at this moment, is “Thank Goodness we live inland from such weather!” Not that we are immune to bad weather happening but there is less chance of us getting hit by severe storms than the provinces and states that border the ocean on either side of the two adjoining countries of Canada and USA!

Let’s hope I haven’t just jinxed us here in our relatively peaceful part of the country!

That’s about all I have for this week folks!

Thanks for tuning in and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next week in The Ontarion Report!

Bye for now… Greg

Something To Think About>

The supposed severe weather that is being reported headed our way for the coming winter!

So like I just said, “Be Prepared!”


Take Care
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The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.