The Squamidian Report – Nov. 5 / 22

Online Versions Of This And Past Issues
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Issue #1067

From Carol

From Nova Scotia Sus

From Russ

The Ontarion

Hi guys

Firstly, I’m still alive and sort of kicking.

The call from my surgeon’s office letting me know that my surgery could be scheduled for Nov 3 had taken us by surprise. The waiting list still had me somewhere in the far future, but, I was also on the ‘call’ list as well and I guess someone dropped off the waiting list because a spot had become freed up. This set off a frenzy of activity as we prepared. I needed X-rays, blood work, consultations and so on. Some of this could be done here at our little Squamish hospital, some had to be done at Lions Gate in North Van. Some could be done over the phone. All of it added to an ever-growing level of stress. We needed to purchase several items for our house including crutches (we have stairs all over the place), a toilet riser (not the most comfortable thing in the world), a reacher (for picking things up) a thing to help put socks on and so on. The sitting and dressing aids are because a replaced hip joint must not be bent too far as it could simply pop out of joint. The bending of the hip must be worked on under the supervision of a physio therapist over the next few months. I had to practice with those crutches so that I could indeed get myself back into the house. Kind of reminded me of the summer our brother Gary was 8 years old and ended up on crutches because he put a root right though his foot. He got rather proficient on his.

Anyway, I was told to be at Lions Gate hospital for 6am which meant leaving here before 5. Luckily for us the night was dry as were the road, and traffic was lite. Neither of us find driving very comfortable in the dark when it’s raining. We get there ok and then had to do the patient check in. That started off a very long and exhausting day.

This is all I can do for now on this iPad but I expect to be able to get to my desktop computer in time to finish the story and send out next week’s Squid.

On that note I again thank Carol for stepping up.

Recuperating Doug


From Carol

I was certainly glad to hear Doug is doing reasonably well. Because I actually like all of you, I won’t be attaching a video, like Doug, of my singing. Some of our family have wonderful musical ability, not me. Beth has a wonderful singing voice that reminds me of my Grandmother Hockridge.

I’m trying to keep this Squid looking the way Doug would. I have no idea where the lines after Doug & Sus’s submissions came from and I can’t seem to delete them so please just ignore. I also do not know if the link to online issues will work coming from me but we can only hope.

Today is Cindy’s 90th birthday. I know my parents would be doing something to help her celebrate if they were still around. She has plans with her family tonight and tomorrow so we are bringing her to the Homestead for a birthday lunch after church on Sunday. For decades mu parents would bring first John & Cindy back to the Homestead after church and they continued bringing Cindy after John passed. We were going to invite her to our house but Cindy likes the idea of once again going to the Homestead. Mostly because of Mom, their home was always the gathering place for any type of celebration over the years. I’m very grateful that Beth and Jamie managed to keep the property in the family and are also willing to host celebrations.



From Sus

Our new neighbors from Kitchener didn't let us down on Halloween. They showed up in full costume all 5 of them. The 3 kids were very polite and we learned more about them. They said they really liked their schools and found everyone friendly. Then they were off to Scotsburn for more trickery treating. We hope to see them again soon.

We are still working on clearing fallen trees and debris. It is endless but we can see some progress. Just about everyone here has the same issues. The weather has been extraordinarily pleasant which is helping being outside so much.

This weekend we are expecting a wonderful visit from Sonja and Gabi (Wayne and Sylvia's daughter and grand daughter) who now live in New Brunswick. It will be great to do some catching up.

I will be thinking about Doug too and hoping all goes well for him. Take care everyone.



From Russ

Halloween is all about scary things, and some (if not most) 'nursery-rhymes' are based upon actual happenings.

Let's start with 'nasty Peter':

Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater had a wife and could not keep her,

so he put her in a pumpkin shell, and there he kept her very well.

According to my research, way back in 1700's in jolly, old England, Peter had a wife who was actually a "prostitute", unable to 'cure' her, and ashamed of her behaviour, he killed her and concealed her body in a large, hollowed-out pumpkin! Although he concealed her body "very well", pumpkins do rot and in time her body was found and Peter was convicted of her murder.

From Russ



Hello everyone and Carol our new temporary editor! Thanks to Carol for taking on the role while Doug is laid up! Lots of luck and a quick recovery wished to Doug by the Payne family! I know what it takes to recover from a major surgery and it’s not an easy thing to go through for sure! I’m sure he’ll be up and riding again real soon after his long awaited surgery!

I hope Carol had lots of support this week from the Squid Squad. I’m sure the editor’s role isn’t an easy one! I just wonder which song she and Al will be recording for the occasion! Since music runs in the Brubacher family, I’m looking forward to hearing Carol’s voice on this edition of the Squid!

I’d be willing to bet that Al will sound like Alan Jackson of Nashville fame! Good luck to both of you and warm up those vocal cords before your recording!

I remember how much work it was for the Payne family to put together the “Orbison” tune for the 1000th edition of the Squid so I know it’s not easy! I’d also be willing to bet that Al plays a mean tambourine and Carol a mean bass drum! LOL! Just kidding of course! I wish them well and good luck in editing this weeks Squid in place of Doug!

Can you believe this week’s weather and temperatures? It’s been a while indeed since we’ve experienced such a nice stretch of warm and sunny weather and we’re certainly enjoying it as I’m sure most of you are as well! I’ve used my power blower to clear the leaves off the front lawn so many times already this fall that It’s almost worn out! Most of the people that bother to clear their leaves off the lawn do as the city says and rake them to the curb side in front of their house! I however have a different approach to that problem! I like to blow my leaves out into the middle of the street thus leaving them there for the cars and trucks that use our street to run over them time and time again and most times the leaves are squished to nothing by the next day! Since the city doesn’t seem to want to do their job and collect the leaves from the curb side like they promise on their posted signs, I figure my method is the next best way of getting the job done for them! Most years I used to expect to see the huge vacuum truck go by the house sucking up the leaves but lately (for the past 5 years or more) they’ve just left the leaves sit until we have a good deep blanket of snow on the roadways covering the leaves, then they go by with the city snow plows and do a double duty of plowing up the leaves and snow all at the same time. What a mess that makes so my method seems to be the better of the two! Maybe we’ll get lucky this year and we’ll have a totally mild winter and there won’t be a mixture of the two to create that problem!

That’s about all I have for this week from my soap box so, I’ll say good bye for now and thank you all for reading this week’s Squid and supporting it by writing in (those of you that have)!

Bye for now and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next week in The Ontarion Report! Take care and stay safe…..



Take Care
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.