The Squamidian Report – Sept. 17 / 16
Issue #747

The Ontarion

Hi All,

I know that most of you are probably tired of hearing about our Sea to Sky Gondola and the adventures we have there. But, the whole purpose of writing this letter is to share our take on life on, or in our case near, the west coast. And, the gondola has become a big part of our life. So, like it or not, here is our latest adventure, or experience or whatever you'd call it. Their marketing department decided its time to update their promotional pictures. The kind of pictures you see on their web site and printed materials. We were asked if we'd like to be the 'people' standing out on the Chief overlook viewpoint in their new shots. We figures sure, why not. The new pictures would be taken with a camera mounted on a drone, one of those radio controlled multi-bladed ones that can carry a camera.

The guys flying the drone and taking the pictures can see what the camera sees via their view screen mounted on their controller. They would be flying it out, up, around, taking pictures from different angles and distances and with different lenses. Cool. One of my friends has a similar system and videos our motorcycle training sessions as well as other stuff so I'm quite familiar with the whole thing. When they finished shooting around the main lodge it was time to head out the Panorama Ridge trail to the lookout. Some of you have been there, you know who you are. Our friend in marketing suggested the pictures of us would stand out best if we were both wearing bright jackets so we simply went in to the clothing store / gift shop and borrowed a jacket right off the shelf. Sue had brought her bright orange one but I only had my grey one so we took a nice bright blue jacket and away we went.

Out at the lookout they cordoned off the area with 'filming is session' signs and we had to stand out at the end and just spend the next half hour looking at the scenery, just acting normal and doing what we would do except for the fact that we weren't supposed to look at the camera, and we were supposed to stand close together. People our age don't usually do that but its what they wanted so thats what we did. I must say, with the sun beating down on us as we both wore jackets made for a hot half hour. We were quite happy to get out of our jackets and into the shade as soon as they were done shooting. The whole thing was fun and interesting. Our friend in marketing will send us some of the pictures once they have a chance to go through them.

That day had been one of those really spectacular days that seem to happen this time of year. We had been having several of those, cold at night, sunny and warm during the day. To that end we've been going to the gondola on the bike and enjoying the ride. The photo shoot was on Wednesday and it was so nice out it would have been great to just keep on riding instead of heading home but we had been tied up all morning and had to get on with the day. So, the next day when we left the gondola on the bike we headed for Whistler. With tourist season winding down a bit traffic is not too bad and the ride pretty nice, bright and colorful. After having lunch there we headed home and got home way sooner than I'd have liked. It takes less than an hour to come down from Whistler, I'd have liked to head the other way and take a few days. Oh well.

And then on Friday morning as we approached that same lookout while doing our usual walk we noticed a tiny little nut hatch bird on the floor of the lookout, right out at the far end where the end and side panels are glass. It had somehow gotten there but couldn't figure how to get out. It would fly against the glass, banging its head and fall back to the deck floor. I slowly approached it hoping it would either flee the other way and make its escape or that I could scoop it up in my hands and lift it over the glass. It helplessly fluttered against the glass panels. So, I laid my sweater over it which caused it to settle down and become still at which point I gently lifted it to the top of the railing and opened my hands. It sat there for a moment then took off for the trees where there were several of it's kin waiting for it. Hopefully it will be ok. It had definitely been panicking but it flew away strongly. Oh, while we were rescuing the little bird, an airplane flew by below us through Olsen Creek Valley between us and the Chief and banked out between the Chief and the Squaw. That would be fun, and cool.




Hello everyone!

Man this weather is just perfect isn’t it? Sunshine filled days with 20c to 25c temps but a bit of a damp weekend in store for the KW area. We are heading to Parry Sound for the weekend to attend the wedding of the daughter of friends of ours but it’s supposed to be rainy in that area for the weekend as well. The wedding is supposed to be held outdoors at a local golf club but if it’s going to rain I guess it’ll be moved inside. I hope for the bride and groom’s sake the weather prediction is inaccurate and the weekend turns sunny for their special day. Besides, I don’t feel like getting caught in the rain any more than the wedding party does! It’s not nice to have a special occasion spoiled by poor weather! If it’s raining outside it’s usually muggy inside and that won’t make for a nice atmosphere either for their special day. Oh well, I’m sure that no matter the weather, they’ll be happy with the celebration of their wedding vows and all that goes along with such a ceremony! Guess we’ll just have to remember to take an umbrella along!

     The only memorable thought I have about Parry Sound is the fact that it’s the hometown of former Boston Bruin hockey star Bobby Orr. Between he and Wayne Gretzke they could pay off Canada’s national debt with the money they’ve earned through their years in Canada’s national sport of Hockey!

     We’ll be heading up to Parry Sound first thing Friday morning and joining the bride’s family at the motel they reserved a block of rooms in for guests of the wedding. The wedding will take place on Saturday afternoon and then we’ll be enjoying dinner and a reception/party after the service. Too bad we no longer drink! It’s usually more fun at weddings when you can get a little sloshed at the party! LOL! Oh well, better to be healthy and sober than the alternative! I’m sure it’ll still be a lot of fun! I’ll be sure to tell you about the wedding and the weekend if it does happen to be a fun time. If not, oh well, it’ll likely be the last wedding we’ll ever attend anyway. Since none of our other friends have kids that aren’t already married the likelihood of another wedding in our lifetime is a long shot!

     We have decided to head north a day before the wedding date so we don’t have to leave home at 5am the day of! It’s about a 4 hour drive from Kitchener to Parry Sound so that’s not bad but seeing the wedding is at 2pm Saturday I believe the smart thing to do is be there the day before so we are well rested for the event!

The bride’s family lives in the KW area for the most part with the exception of one aunt and uncle and family that reside in Kansas USA. The groom’s family is from the Ottawa Valley area and the bride and groom live in the Muskoka Lakes area. So, they decided to have the wedding in a place where it would be about the same amount of travel for either family, give or take. Either way, it’s a bit of a costly affair for all who have to travel and pay for a couple of nights in a motel to attend the event! Not to mention the cost of a couple of tanks of gas and a wedding gift! Oh well, as the mother of the bride put it, “You only get married once!” If I had my way, I’d figure out the total cost of attending the wedding and give the bride and groom the money and just stay home! However, that would benefit the couple financially but nobody else would have any fun for the money and that’s no good is it!

     I think I’m going to call an end to The Ontarion for this week since I still have to do a few things before hitting the hay. I’ll need my beauty sleep so I’m still in good shape by the time we arrive in Parry Sound. We are expected to help the parents of the bride (our friends) do a little setting up for the occasion and I’m not sure if that takes place Friday evening or Saturday morning so either way, I’ve got to be alert and smiling!

  So, thanks for tuning in and I’ll look forward to talking to you all again next week in The Ontarion Report!

Bye for now … Greg

PS: Something To Think About>
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer!

Have a good one..
the doug
The Fine Print!
The articles in these issues are the sole property of the persons writing them and should be respected as such.