The Squamidian Report – May 15 / 04


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Also in this issue:


The Ontarion


Hi All,


How many times have you been driving along a street or highway, only to have to slow almost to a stop because some stupid bird, usually a crow or a robin, is WALKING across the road?? Do these creatures occasionally forget can fly?? Kind of boggles the mind.


A bit of local geological history. The section of the Mamquam River where it empties into the Squamish and where we enjoy taking Yogi for a stroll is very young. Turns out that within living memory, in other words, there are still old timers around here that think they can recall when the Mamquam did not empty into the Squamish. It drained directly into Howe Sound through what is now called the Mamquam Blind Channel.


Back then there were rural homes and small farms where the last click of so of the river now runs. The original course was along the foot of the rock outcrops at the east side of the valley. Loggers Lane ran along the river as it turned south after dropping out of the mountains. All that remains of the river from when it took that route is tidewaters in the Blind Cannel.


During a rather major flood event the river blew it’s way west through the valley and carved out a course into the Squamish, which flows down from the northwest. This was before any attempts had been made at containing the rivers with dykes. From what I’ve been told, the whole town was under water during that flood. The old town maps show the river in its original location.


Onto another subject: I’ve pretty well worn out most of my blue jeans. I haven’t purchased new jeans in years and never buy the expensive name brand ones. But jeans are all I wear so things are getting a bit desperate. We have a small ‘department’ store in town called Fields. It is the typical small or rural town store with worn out squeaky floors and cheap junk blocking the isles. It’s the type of store where you can buy under garments in one isle and fishing gear in the next.


Would you believe they carry GWG jeans! I haven’t seen GWG’s since the late 60’s or early 70’s when that was all I would wear. (In those days jeans cost $9.95). Switching to Levis had been a major traumatic experience for me. There is a good chance that they are still stocking GWG’s because they still have them sitting on the shelf from 35 years ago rather than that they can still get them. Who knows, anything is possible. However they have one of those little stalls where you can try things on so I found a couple of pairs that seem to fit, at least until they have been washed. It wasn’t a changing room, it was a stall with a part door in the middle that didn’t go all the way up or down so I didn’t spend any extra time in there. In and out in 10 seconds.










MAY 15, 2004


    Hello everyone!


   I guess we are extremely lucky to be living in a pleasant region weather wise. For the most part our weather is predictable. (Now there’s a dumb statement if I ever made one) However, would we rather be living in the Prairie Provinces where they’re still having terrible snowstorms? I think not! I heard on Canada AM this morning that they’re saying those provinces can expect their good summer type weather to start in mid June. I’d be a tad ticked off if we had to wait that long every year to get our summer sunshine. I’ll take the hazy smog ridden days anytime over more winter.


     Carole and I have been sprucing up the gardens out back for the past week. I must say, they are looking better every year. We’ve been adding little bits hear and there over the past 4 years. Adam gave Carole an iron garden rose trellis for Mother’s Day. We placed it over the wooden gate that allows us entry from the front yard to the rear through our fence. It’s amazing how different it made the side yard look. Then Carole asked me to cut out a garden beside the trellis to match the one on the house side. It turned out beautifully.


 Now all Carole has to do is decide what plants she wants in the new part. Today I laid a section of flagstones through the trellis gateway. They seem to complete the project. We’ve used flagstone extensively for the walkways in the back yard and this little section through the gate ties it all together. I’ve included a couple of pictures that if Doug has room I ask that he post them for Squamidian viewing. I’m getting better and better at this gardening thing too. Although, I’m still not sure I like it any better than I ever have. Carole says it’ll GROW on me! Ha ha ha!


     We’ve been slowly gathering items for this Saturday’s Garage Sale that we intend to hold after being rained out the past 2 Weekends. We are joining in with Carole’s brother and his Wife. We live in a much more exposed area for such sales so they decided to bring all their great “Stuff” over to our place. The forecast for Saturday is only a 30% chance of showers so we’re going to chance it and hope for the best. We have about 25% of what it will take regarding number of items to make a sale. I think we should be able to gather enough stuff for a successful Sale by late Friday. I enjoy yacking with the people that stop to browse at our sales.


We had a pretty good one before we moved Away from Linwood in ’98 and hopefully this one will be successful As well. I had a lucky win at the Mohawk Casino on Wednesday Night. I picked up a fat $1,500.00 after an investment of about $80.00 during the course of the evening. Carole had won $2,500.00 total in 3 different trips to Mohawk within a week, two weeks ago. She gave me $100.00 to keep in my wallet for emergencies and I Decided to use it at Mohawk Wednesday night. Must have been a Lucky $100.00 because it sure paid off for me by the end of the Evening. Her brother likes to play the slots as well and I suggested to him that we take the proceeds from this Garage Sale and head For Mohawk Saturday evening. He agreed it might be a good idea But we’ll have to wait and see how the wives feel about it. I’ll keep you posted as to the success of both the Garage Sale and the trip To Mohawk if we decide to go. Keep your fingers crossed for us that the weather cooperates. It should be a fun day. That’s about all I have in mind this week. I’ll let you go for now


And I’ll talk to you all again next week here in The Ontarion Report.


Thanks for tuning in!




PS: Something to Think About>


Sin and dandelions are very much alike…to get rid of them is a lifelong fight that you never quite win.



Greg’s pics have been posted to both my web sites. Bottom links on the Greg page.


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Have a good one..

the doug


All offers void where prohibited by law and in the Province of Quebec!